Saturday, April 2, 2011

What's the point?...

A website has recently been brought to my attention that I just was so disappointed in I have to comment.

I believe this website,, could be a really nice forum for people in the community to come together and discuss topics relevant to the town, but like many other discussion forums, it's become an absolutely disgusting source for cyber-bullying.

It seems to me that originated as a discussion board for people actually interested in discussing the news. I found some topics that at least started with an intelligent conversation with legit concerns and reasons for claims being made, so I don't want to completely nix the entire site as a trash.

However, the majority of the website was devoted to postings about specific people and what everyone else thought of that person. Seriously?

The problem with discussion boards is the anonymity that is allowed. This is something that aspiring journalists actually talk about in class, I know, I've sat through many classes on this topic.

People are not required to support the claim they are making and they don't receive any backlash for what they say on the Internet, which leads to so much nonsense being posted on these forums.

There are many things that I think and say to my friends that I would not want my name attached with, but that doesn't mean that as soon as I can say it anonymously over the Internet I should.

I honestly just do not understand the point! Why do people feel it is okay to put down a person like that? Since I was looking at Van Wert's page, many of the names on there I knew and I honestly was saddened to read what people were saying about people who I went to high school with and would never wish a bad thing on them.

I know I have done my fair share of talking about people behind their backs, I am not claiming to be a saint in this field, but my thoughts are not posted on the Internet for everyone to read.

This reminds me of something that happened the other day....

I was at work and there is this nice guy that comes in once a week usually. He has long hair and this cute baby face.

Well, the guy I was working with said to me that he never knew if it was a guy or a girl....and the guy had not walked away yet. I know he heard my coworker.
My coworker then proceeded to want to write a message on the inside of his pizza box, "cut your hair."
He made the box and everything. I absolutely refused to let him give him that box. My coworker told me he thought it was funny and I told him that "in no way is that funny. That is just pure mean and I will not let you do that."

I love my coworker and I wouldn't consider him a mean person, but that was awful! I would never imagine hurting someone like that.

How did my coworker not see that if the guy with the long hair read that message that he wouldn't be hurt?

I don't see the point in hurting people. There is so much to live for in life and it shouldn't be wasted on putting people down.

The stuff on is mostly about bad decisions people have made or certain behaviors, but it is their lives and it's not affecting the people commenting on the forum.

People don't always need to comment on other people's life. Let people live the way they want to live. That's the purpose of life isn't it? ...To live it!

Friday, April 1, 2011

Follow Up...

This is the other video. I want to give everyone a chance to watch it also and decide for himself or herself which video is better.