Thursday, March 24, 2011

Group Projects...ugh!

It amazes me how my perception of group projects has changed throughout the years.

When I was in elementary school, I loved group projects. It always meant having some fun with friends while getting an easy A, but now since I've reached college, the concept of a "group project" brings with it hellish nightmares haunting me for weeks at a time until the dreadful assignment has reached its end.

One of my first serious group projects was in fifth grade and I met my best friend who I am living with next year. Clearly, I do not have a bad outlook on group projects because such a good friendship came from one.

However, since I've been in college, I really see no other option in my outlook on them. And, honestly, not much has happened to prove me wrong. Most college group projects have left me staying up all night the night before its due working with my group to put scattered pieces of individual work together.

My current group project has completely left me at a loss for what to do. I had to make a video with a group and the goal of the assignment is to get as many views as possible. Therefore, putting the video on YouTube quick and making it something people want to watch is key! Well, my group just put the video up and we have a report due in a few days to explain our progress. Making a video does NOT count as progress. The progress comes from getting views.

I finally decided to take the project into my own hands and make a video, which took an entire day of editing and frustration by myself to finish. After posting the video to YouTube, I emailed it to my group members telling them I thought we needed something to work with so I just did it. Well, after all my effort, one girl thought the video was too's a music a song. I was willing to cut out one of the choruses because I figured it could do without a repeated chorus, but when we went to edit, all she wanted to do was basically make a different video.

So I have decided to promote my own video and I hope you all enjoy it. Watch it multiple times and let your friends know about it!!! :)

Also, if you have time we have a 5 question survey....I promise no hard work involved... if you wouldn't mind taking it you can click on the link:

I promise my next blog entry will not be me self promoting my own video! Take Care :)

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Finally, I Have Returned...

I know it has been way too long since I have updated my blog.

I have had so much going on this past month my blog has definitely been put on the back burner. I am sure you all have anxiously been awaiting my new posting, probably checking every day, biting your nails as the page loaded, and then having the unfortunate disappointment of seeing that I failed at my goal for 4 weeks to write a new post.

Well, I have basically traveled the world and back since I wrote last. I wrote my first story for my campus newspaper, which was apparently so good I was asked to apply for a position on the staff of the newspaper. I secured my internship at my hometown newspaper where I will not only be writing stories, but I also will be the future Ron Burgundy of the Times Bulletin newscast. Yes, apparently some people will have the great displeasure of seeing my face as I read the sports news to them each morning. Maybe I will need to put a warning before my giant dome appears on the screen to tell the squeamish to look away.

I also did a little journalism practice for an entire week at the beginning of March. Well, that is what I am going to claim it as. George Clooney and Ryan Gosling were at Miami all week filming their upcoming movie the Ides of March and I basically staked out the location they were filming all week. It may have been freezing cold and rainy some days and I may have missed some classes, but hey, who else can say that Ryan and George waved at them. I'd do it again any day!

I actually did a little traveling as I went to Canada with my sister for spring break. Yes, I know we went the wrong direction since most people travel south for spring break. Well you know, Ash and I found some warmth of our own in Toronto when we went to watch a concert. Seriously, one of my ultimate goals in life has been to be in a mosh pit at a rock concert and I finally can say I fulfilled that goal. But, it was so awesome, it has been given an honorary position as a goal needed to be fulfilled at least once a year.

The concert had four bands that played and one I had never heard, Bleeker Ridge. They are primarily based in Canada because they are relatively new, their songs aren't even on iTunes.

I instantly fell in love with them. I love live music, but I can separate my excitement for the music from my excitement caused by the band themselves and these guys really knew how to perform.

There are four of them; two sets of brothers and the oldest is only 21! I honestly couldn't believe it when I read it because they write their own music, which unfortunately I feel only a few artists can say truthfully nowadays.

At just their young ages, in the range of 19 to 21, they have these great songs and great stage presence. I think they will be the next Nickelback, who I absolutely adore, so I basically think they will be successful.

But, what I am ultimately getting at is, they are my age and they may not be the biggest band out there, but their creativity inspires me. To write these songs that really mean something, lyrics that I can relate to and that have a truth behind them that a lot of music lacks, makes me wish everyone could take a lesson from them.

I feel that our society has created this straightforward path through life. You go to college, you get a job, you have a family, and blah, blah, blah. To me, it's just this plan for people who can't think of anything else to do. There is no time for creativity, for getting our thoughts out there. My little blog here is probably thought of by many as just a place for me to vent about my unhappiness in life. But, I consider this as one of my little spaces to be creative.

I say it's one of my spaces to be creative because I also have a journal that I like to write in also. One where I write more personally and I write a lot of poems. I have shared a few of my poems to family and a few close friends, but I am afraid to share these poems with others. I don't want to hear criticism or hear if someone else thinks they are good because I like them and I don't want someone to put down what has actual meaning to me.

That's why Bleeker Ridge inspires me, because they are not afraid to put their thoughts out there, take the criticism, and stray from the beaten path of just going along with what is expected.

I also follow one of my friend's blogs and I just finished reading a poem she had written. It was so beautiful and I loved it. For me she had the courage that I don't have to post my poems.

I love that these people, people my age, are not afraid of saying what they are thinking and being creative regardless of what could be said about their work. To me, they are breaking away from just going along with society and actually saying something! Something about life, about themselves, about whatever! It doesn't matter what they're saying, but they are saying it, which is an act that society unfortunately frowns upon in my opinion. Keeping your head down and just moving through life may not be the best option. I want to take this inspiration and put my creativity and thoughts out there for people to say whatever they want because that will disrupt the status quo, and all in all, make life a little bit more interesting.

Until next time, which hopefully will be sooner rather than later, Au Revoir!